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How to keep Roaches away? Or just KILL them.

Keep Cockroaches away or kill them

Cockroaches are dirty, disease transferring creatures that need to stay OUT of your environment! You can get your Technician to perform a Winning Cockroach Combination Treatment that can get rid of any cockroach infestation. Then after the treatment you won't have a cockroach problem. But if you read further you will find out how you can help keep them away. Firstly you will learn a little about cockroaches and understand where they live. Then you will get some hints on how to keep cockroaches OUT!


The Cockroach

There are many different types of cockroaches in our environment but there are TWO main cockroaches that come into our living space:- The German Cockroach and the American Cockroach. The others live in the gardens and we can treat those areas, but they are not usually found in our living space.

German Cockroach

The German Cockroach is normally found in kitchens and bathrooms. They are mainly in internal areas that are warm and moist. In the kitchen they can be found around and in knife holders, dishwashers, fridge motors, microwaves, toasters, cooking, and other electrical appliance. Also in the bathroom they like eating toothpaste and can be found in bath vents, vanity and cracked tiles.

German Cockroaches transfer diseases and bacteria so it is best to get rid of them out of your environment. Ask your Technician to perform the German Cockroach Winning Combination Treatment to rid your German Cockroach problem.

American Cockroach

The American Cockroach is normally located in roof voids, sub floors, over grown & dense vegetation, drains and sewers.

American Cockroaches transfer diseases and bacteria as well so it is best to kill them as well. Ask your Technician to provide the American Cockroach Winning Combination Treatment.


Keep Roaches AWAY

There are a number of things that you can do to keep cockroaches from entering your home again. The main thing is GOOD Hygiene. I know we all live busy lives and sometimes we just don't get time to do things straight away and leave them for a while. That is when these pest come and once they are in they breed so quickly.

However, remember if your house has had a cockroach treatment the cockroaches will find the chemical to feed on, then die. Dead cockroaches, mean, the treatment is working. But, if cockroaches have more options than the chemical to feed on then they may take some time to choose the chemical as their food source. Thus, taking more time to die. If the chemical is their primary quality food source, they will be eliminated faster. Take away the food source you provide and cockroaches will stay away. Then they will rather live at the neighbours.

Here are some hints:-

Keeping all surfaces clean.

Wiping kitchen benches, cupboards and wash floors, regularly. Spray and wipe bench before and after preparing food. Wipe and spray spills on the floor up. Remember accidents happen but you need to be diligent with your spray and wipe.

Eating areas

Have designated eating areas that you know you can keep clean. My rule is eating at either the kitchen bench or dinning room table. Special occasions eat in lounge room. NO eating in bedrooms.

Food away

Food should be stored in plastic containers in the fridge and cupboard. No cardboard boxes as cockroaches hide in packaging. Food storage areas such as cupboards and fridges need to be kept clean.


Clutter is a cockroaches best friend, they love to have places to hide and have a feed.

Inside Clutter: cockroaches will feed on dirty clothes lying on the floor. They will hide in things lying on the floor. Too many things:- store them in plastic containers, give them away or sell them on line if you no longer use them.

Outside Clutter: They love to live in your piles around the backyard: wood piles, rock piles, bricks piles, timber piles, any type of pile. They also like to live in your compost and anywhere there is a food source e.g. chicken coops, pet bowls, ponds, bird cages.

Manage your space, and reduce the clutter.

Handyman Jobs

It is advised to make sure all cracks and crevices in your home are sealed as these are harbourage areas for cockroaches. Seal all taps and tiles so there are no gaps. Make sure there are no leaking taps or pipes as cockroaches love moist areas and need a drink.

Dead Cockroaches

A pest control myth is that leaving dead cockroaches around will significantly reduce the cockroach population through secondary transmission of the insecticide. That is when other cockroaches feed on their dead and get a lethal dose of the chemical. However, cockroaches only feed on their dead or their faeces as a last resort. It is highly recommended to dispose of all dead cockroaches. After your Winning Combination Treatments as there will be heaps of dead ones. Sweep them up and dispose of. Let the live cockroaches feed on the chemical.


Remember, Technicians don't mind coming back, when the cockroaches do. Technicians like performing the Winning Combination Treatments. A Pest Technician's job is to help you with all your pest problems. Also, if you don't want cockroaches ever coming back, let your Technician know. They will put you on a maintenance program. Technicians like seeing you.

Your Friends in Pest Control,

Surekill Pest Control on the Central Coast

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