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Cockroach Eradication

ONE Cockroach means that there are HEAPS more!

Have you seen cockroaches?

Call Surekill to safely erradicate the infestation


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Cockroach Identification

Call Surekill Pest Control Central Coast on 4341 5585
German Cockroach

Normally found interally near warm areas such as fridge motors, microwaves, toasters, ovens and other electrical appliance. Also under sinks and cupboards, in and under drawers.


Recommended Treatments: normally rely on the use of a flushing agent to main harbourages coupled with gel baiting application to eliminate colony.


General Information - This cockroach is known worldwide because it coexists with humans in their buildings. Its small size allows it to stow away in small cracks and crevices, together with its abundant breeding capabilities allows it to build up large populations in a short period of time. Efforts aimed at controlling this most successful scavenger must be regularly and constantly made. 


Appearance - The German Cockroach is a relatively small cockroach. Adults are ligh amber-brown, with two dark longitudinal stripes on the pronotum.  The pronotum is the middle section of the body of an insect, between the head and the abdomen, bearing the legs and wings. The adult has wings but they only use them to flutter to the floor if brushed from a wall or ceiling. 


Breeding - It is the most fertile breeder of all the pest cockroaches, taking only 40 days to go from egg to adulthood. Egg cases of 30-40 eggs are carried by the female until hatching. 


Habitat - the German Cockroach seeks an enviroment that provides warmth, moisture and food. They find cracks and crevices in buildings mainly kitchen in which they can hide during the day. If they are found out in the day time or in other areas besides the kitchen then it is highly likely that the building is supporting an enormous population of German Cockroaches. Infestations are common in food handling areas factories, warehouses, storerooms, restaurants, clubs, hotels, hospitals, food bars, domestic kitchesn and catering or canteen areas of office blocks, schools, nursing homes and any building with a kitchen.


Food Source - the German Cockroach will eat almost any organic material found in food handling areas. From crumbs to built up grease. If there is a water source then the adult cockroaches can survive without food for at least a month. 


Call Surekill Pest and Termite Control Central Coast on 4341 5585
American Cockroach

Normally located in roof voids, drains and sewers. 


Recommended Treatment: Repair leaking drains apply liquid chemical spray and chemical dust both have flushing agents and will kill locally present cockroaches and minimise re infestation due to the residual effect of chemical.


General Information - the American Cockroach infests dwellings and utilities. It is a worldwide traveller as it can glue its egg case to food packages, boxes or pallets. 


Appearance - the largest pest cockroach. Adults are red-brown in colour witha pale yellow border around the pronotum. The pronotum is the middle section of the body of an insect, between the head and the abdomen, bearing the legs and wings. It likes to fly in warm weather for relative short distances.


Breeding - the females produce up to 50 egg cases in their lifetime. Adults live 6-12 months.

Egg cases have up to 16 eggs in an egg case. When the nymphs hatch they take 6-12 months to develop into adults. Thus the entire life cycle of an American Cockroach is 1 to 2 years.


Habitat - the American Cockroach in warm climates likes to live outside but in colder climates rathers going indoors. When indoors they do not dwell where we do but prefer living in the walls, roof and subfloor voids and in and around sewers, drains, moist cellars, grease traps and rubbish dumps. Infestation is common in hopsitals, bakeries, food stores, warehouses, factories and domestic residences.


Food Source - the American Cockroach likes to eat decaying organic matter but it also will eat human and animal foods, book bindings, paer and clothing. If there is a water source then the adult cockroach can survive without food for at least 2-3 months.


Call Surekill Pest and Termite Control Central Coast on 4341 5585
Australian Cockroach

Normally found in gardens and subfloor areas.


Recommended Treatments: remove any possible water sources. Apply liquid chemical and dust formulation to known harbourage areas.


General Information -


Appearance - is a relatively large cockroach.  It has a dark brown body with a clear yellow marking on the pronotum. The pronotum is the middle section of the body of an insect, between the head and the abdomen, bearing the legs and wings. Also the forewings have a distinct yellow marking on the sides. 


Breeding - the female produces up to 20 egg cases in a lifetime. The egg cases that are dropped or glued to surfaces by females may contain up to 24 eggs. After hatching the nympth takes 6-12 months to become an adult. The adult lives for 4-8 months therefore the entire livespan is between 10 to 20 months. 


Habitat - the Australian Cockroach likes warm, subtropical to tropical conditions. They are mainly found outside as they like to be in green houses, under bar or leaf litter in gardens and around wood piles. It can be found in subfloor, wall and roof voids; and around utilities in factories and other buildings. 


Food Source - prefer food of plant origin

Call Surekill Pest and Termite Control Central Coast on 4341 5585
Brownbanded Cockroach

Normally found in gardens and subfloor areas.


Recommended Treatments: remove any possible water sources. Apply liquid chemical and dust formulation to known harbourage areas.


General Information - the Brownbaned Cockroach are very active and like to live everywhere within a dwelling.


Appearance - is a relatively small cockroach. The adults are pale brown in colour with a very pale band across the thorax and abdoment. The males have large wings that go past the abdomen, whereas the females wings are shorter. 


Breeding - the females produce up to 18 eggs in a case and can lay 13 cases in its lifetime. When the nymphs hatch they take 2-4 months to develop into adults. Adults live up to 6 months. Thus the complete life span is between 8 to 10 months.


Habitat - the Brownbanded Cockroach likes being indoors and lives in parts of buildings as well as offices, hopstials, restuarants, storerooms and so on. In domestic dwellings it can be found in  wardrobes, dressers, cabinets and behind bookshelves or wallpaper. Its activity is scattered throughout a buildingrather than being restrict to the kitchen area like the German Cockroach. They both like warm temperatures but the Brownbanded Cockroach does not need as much moisture.


Food Source - the Brownbanded Cockroach will eat anything that is available to them.

Call Surekill Pest and Termite  Control Central Coast on 4341 5585
Smokey Brown Cockroach

Normally found in timber fences and wood piles. 


Recommended Treatment: liquid chemical spray


General Information - The Smokey Brown Cockroach has a similar life story to the American Cockroach.


Appearance - relatively large cockroaches. The adults are dark brown to almost black with no pale markings. It is fully winged and can fly short distances in warm weather and will fly to lights at night time.


Breeding - the females produce up to 26 eggs in a case and can lay 20 cases in its lifetime. When the nymphs hatch they take 6-12 months to develop into adults. Adults live 6-12 months. Thus the complete life span is between 1-2 years.


Habitat - the Smokey Brown Cockroach is an outdoor pest and very seldom does it infest the dwelling parts of buildings. It sometimes is found in garages, sheds, subfloor areas, roof voids and in and around grease traps and drains. It however is mainly found in green houses, nurseries and gardens.


Food Source - the Smokey Brown Cockroach is very particular with its food and likes to eat plants.

Call Surekill Pest and Termite Control Central Coast on 4341 5585
Oriental Cockroach

Normally found in dark moist areas.


Recommended Treatment: Remove moisture. Then apply liquid chemical spray and chemical dust formulation both have flushing agents and will kill locally present cockroaches and minimise infestation due to the residual effect of the chemical.


General Information - the oriential cockroach is a major pest in British buildings. 


Appearance - is a medium sized cockroach. They are dark brown to black in colour. The male wings cover most of the abdomen, whereas the females wings are much smaller. 


Breeding - the females produce up to 16 eggs in a case and can lay 14 cases in its lifetime. When the nymphs hatch they take 6-18 months to develop into adults. Adults live 3-6 months. Thus the complete life span is between 9 months to 2 years.


Habitat - the Oriental Cockroach likes cooler climates and are more a pest in the southern areas of Australia. It is commonly found outdoors under leaf litter and bark, in damp subfloors and around drainage systems.


Food Source - the Oriental Cockroach feed on a varity of decaying organic matter. It is also known to eat wallpaper and books.

Life Cycle of an American Cockroach

Body Parts of a Cockroach



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