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Bed Bugs Control

Waking up with Bites all over!!

Have you slept with Beg Bugs?

Call Surekill to safely rid this problem.

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Life Cycle of a Bed Bug

Bed Bug Information

Bed Bugs are a pest because they leave bite marks over humans  bodies. Traditionally, they were found in and near beds, therefore in residential properties and commercial accomodation stays such as hotels, motels, backpackers, bed and breakfast, resorts, caravan parks ect. Nowadays they are a problem in others areas such as airlines, train carriages, movie threatres, entertainment venues as they live in close proximilty to the seats.  Due to the resilence and adaptablity of this insect they have become worldwide travellers. They will catch a ride in luggage and clothing.


Bed Bug Bites: the bed bug will have a few test bites which leave a run of bites. The bed bugs release their saliva which has anticoagulant properties this means it delays or prevents the blood from clotting. Some people do not feel them biting and have no reaction to the bites. Whilst other people will get localised swelling and are irritated by the bite. Bites can become infected by constant scratching. In these cases it is best to seek medical attention. 


Appearance of adult: 4 to 5 mm in length and are of flattened oval shape. The colouring is a rusty red/brown. When they do bite they have an elongated mouthparts which is sharp and pointed so they are apt at piercing the skin. They move this part up and down to get their blood meal.  


Appearance of nymph:  same appearance as adults. They shed skin castings as they grow.


Harbourages: the bed bug can be found in the cracks and crevices of bed, bedding, upholstered chairs, furniture, walls and behind skirting boards, architraves and wallpaper and even among books.  


Reproduction of the bed bug: the female needs to have a blood meal of protien before she can lays her ten or more eggs. The bed bug attaches it's eggs to the cracks and crevices in the harbourage area.  The eggs take 7 to 30 days to hatch. The female lays between 200 to 500 in her lifetime. The nymphs must have a blood meal before they can moult thus shedding their skin. They moult five times before they are adults. The nymphs leave small dark brown faceas marks in there harbourage area. These marks can be seen easily on bed sheets. If the area is heavily infested then there will be a sickly sweet odour. In favourable conditions, the bedbug can feed more. This means they have a shorter time to live. The shortest life expectancy is 45 days therefore the area is infestated.  In bad conditions, where there is no host available for blood meals then they can live for over a year. They can survive months without a blood meal.


Habit: they are nocturnal insects hiding in the cracks and crevices in close proximity to the bed through the day light hours. The higher the temperature of the host the easier it is for the bed bugs to locate their next blood meal. Then they emerge when it is dark. They have their feed and then retreat back into their harbourage area. Bed bugs prefer humans as their host but it has been found that in some cases they have fed on bats, cats and other mammals so they can survive. 

Body Parts of the Bed Bug



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