Pest Control Pty Ltd
the Central Coast
(02) 4341 5585
Introduced to Australia - Pest Bird Identification
European Starling
Normally found - European Starlings are normally found in suburbs and towns. They can be in large flocks.
Food - they feed on grains and insects
Origin - Introduced
Appearance - they are dark brown to black with a green sheen. They are 20 cm long.
Nesting Habits - they will nest in a roof or cavities
Number of Eggs - lay 6 pale eggs twice a year
Indian Myna
Normally found - Indian Myna birds are normally found in city areas and suburbs.
Food - they feed on insects and food left on ground
Origin - Introduced
Appearance - they are abrown and white with yellow beak and legs. They are 25 cm long.
Nesting Habits - they like to use twigs to make a nest and locate them in warehouses, ceilings and on roof girders which are the main support beams for a structure or building
Number of Eggs - lay 4-5 glossy pale blue eggs in spring and summer
Normally found - very domesticated and live locations where there are lots of people during the day like schools, office buildings, parks ect.
Food - eat anything that humans leave on the ground and in bins
Origin - Introduced
Appearance - various tones of grey and some green on neck. They are 30 cm long.
Nesting Habits - nest are made from twigs and they build them in or on buildings and warehouses. Prefer it when they get access into the building to set up their next e.g. in ceiling and on beams
Number of Eggs - 1to 2 eggs at a time several times a year
English Sparrow
Normally found - mainly in orchards and gardens and they are usually infested with bird lice and mites
Food - Eats insects
Origin - Introduced
Appearance - Males are grey and brown with a dark throat and light brown on tips. Female are not dark on throat and darker underneath. They are about 11cm long.
Nesting Habits - they make a soft nest out of grass and fibres that they like to build in ceilings or under eaves. They like somewhere they are sheltered.
Number of Eggs - 5 to 6 speckled eggs are laid 3 to 4 times a year.
Spotted Turtle Dove
Normally found - Spotted turtle dove are usually found where there are seeds growing and plant beds. e.g. farms
Food - they like vegetable matter and seeds
Origin - Introduced
Appearance - they have grey and brown spots on their neck, with a grey head, tones of brown down their back. They are 30 cm long.
Nesting Habits - they will build nests in small trees and shrubs
Number of Eggs - lay
Native - Pest Bird Identification
Silver Gull
Normally found - Congregate at small airfields, garbage disposal bins. Wet weather will bring flocks in from the sea.
Food - they eat anything that drops and flocks will annoy people with their screeching and surrounding presence until they hand over their meal. Very good scavengers.
Origin - Native
Appearance - they are a white with light grew wings and red legs. They are 30 cm long.
Nesting Habits - their nest in shalow holes in the ground lined with grass.
Number of Eggs - lay 3 to 4 eggs with brown markings
Australian White Ibis
Normally found - in parks, gardens, zoos, and waste management areas. Flocks of many thousands come to an area.
Food - they are the biggest scavengers, not fussy on what they eat.
Origin - Native (protected)
Appearance - they have a white body with a black tail feathers, neck, head, long beak and legs. They are 65 to 75 cms long.
Nesting Habits - nest are made of sticks and twigs that they build in palm trees and other large trees
Number of Eggs - lay 3 to 4 white eggs a year
Normally found - they live together in large numbers. Mainly found in commercial and rural areas. They roost and nest together in farm buildings, under bridges, in warehouse and other structures. They can be problems in residential areas.
Food - they eat insects, berries and seeds
Origin - Native (protected)
Appearance - they are brown, red and orange face and throat. Their belly is a light grey with a blue coat and the tail feathers are grey. They are 12 cm long.
Nesting Habits - they create a nest made of mud to walls close to or touching the ceiling.
Number of Eggs - lay 4 to 5 white to cream eggs with brown speckles
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Normally found - in agricultural and horticultural areas. They will knaw on timber and soft materials. They knaw on any building that they choose. Cockatoos are an intellegent bird but a major pest problem in society.
Food - they eat seeds, fruit, nuts, roots, berries, blossoms, insects, larva, crops and bagged grain.
Origin - Native (protected)
Appearance - they are a large bird measuring 45 to 50 cm long. They have a yellow curved crest with a large grey beak.
Nesting Habits - their nest is a natural hollow found in a tree.
Number of Eggs - lay 1to 3 white speckled eggs twice a year.
Bird Anatomy