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3 Actions for Success when Ridding Fleas

Flea Treatment for your dog

Pest Control Technicians are trained in specialised management treatments for Flea Control. However, they will required your help to make sure there is success with your Flea Treatment. Your involvement and understanding is crucial, so you need to be educated in the Life Cycle of the Flea and then we will look at the actions for ridding your flea infestation.


The Life Cycle of the Flea

Firstly, the flea needs a host, being your cat or dog. This is the adult fleas home.

Secondly, the adult flea finds a good feeding spot on your animal. As your pet moves around their environment, the attached flea drops their eggs everywhere and lets blood droplets down for the larvae, that live on the ground, to feed on.

Thirdly, the eggs hatch. Out comes the tiny larvae. It is happy to wonder around on all types of surfaces in search of food like organic matter. These little creatures moult three times.

Fourthly, after they have grown into the third instar, they will knit themselves a cocoon. This is where they will make their complete transformation into a flea. Also this is the only time during the life cycle that they are protected against insecticides.

Lastly, the flea hatches when they feel a mammals vibrations and body temperature and jump into their new home. Note: fleas can lay dormant in the cocoon for a long time, (e.g. for 12 months) if they do not feel a mammals vibrations and temperature.


What are the 3 Actions for ridding fleas?

1. Action your pet to help!

Pets need to be treated with a product recommended by the vet, so the fleas die on them. Also, when other fleas hatch from their cocoon as they have felt your pets vibration and temperature, they jump into their new home, and die.

Also, after the Flea Treatment walk around your environment with your pet, so the cocoons hatch. Once the flea emerges and contacts either your treated pet or the ground where the insecticide is, the flea will die.

2. Action yourself to prepare the environment!

  • Vacuum all floor surfaces numerous times before treatment

  • Empty vacuum contents:-

  • If a disposable vacuum bag throw it out.

  • If a cloth vacuum bag get Surekill Technician to spray it.

  • Pre-wet outside ground

  • Grass - cut short

  • Sand - rake

  • Put away or cover exposed food (e.g. fruit bowl)

  • Remove or cover pet food and water bowls

  • Cover sensitive surfaces (e.g. TV's, computer, highly polished furniture, food preparation surfaces)

  • Animals need to be removed from treatment areas and should not return until spray has dried

3. Action Pest Control Technician who will thoroughly apply the insecticide

A Pest Control Technician is experienced in the application of the insecticide. They know it must be done with a fine mist across all horizontal surfaces where fleas are present. The fleas and larvae do not worry about what surface they inhabit, so the Technician must be thorough and ensure complete coverage in order to bring about the annihilation of the entire life-cycle.

There are two types of insecticides used in the spray mist to target the different Life Cycles of the Flea.

  • 85% of the flea population is in this immature stage. An insect growth regulator (IGR) is ideal for the immature stages due to its long persistence and very low toxicity to mammals. The active ingredient, chitin synthesis inhibitor (CSI), kills the larvae form as they moult. Thereby, giving three chances to get them as they moult three times.

  • 5% of the flea population is the adult flea. The synthetic pyrethroid is excellent in killing the adult fleas very quickly.

10% of the flea population is the pupal stage. There is no product available to you that will penetrate the protective cocoon and kill this stage. That is why it is so important that your pet is treated. Also that is why we suggest walking around the environment after the insecticide has dried and wake up the flea in the cocoon so it hatches and contacts the insecticide.


In conclusion, I here you say "I know all about the Life Cycle of the Flea and now understand how it benefits me. But, most importantly I know why these actions are so necessary."

If these actions are followed the chances of getting rid of the flea infestation are GREAT!"

Happy pets, Happy owners, make us extremely H_ _ _ _!

Your Friends in Pest Control

Surekill Pest Control Flea Control servicing the Central Coast and Sydney

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