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Sterilisation Smoke

Sick of GERMS!!!

How to disinfect your environment quickly and efficiently?

Call Surekill on 4341 5585 to smoke GERMS away!


Below is our guide to a successful Sterilisation Service. 

  • Booking Information

  • Customer Preparations

  • Treatment

  • After Treatment 

  • How to Keep your place Germ Free?

Treatment Time

turning on an air conditioner
Turn off airconitioner during treatment
girl shutting window
Close Windows
a dog and two cats
Remove animals from area being treated
24 hours
Chemical sensitive people should leave until chemical dried & premise fully ventilated

Booking Information

clock showing 45 minutes
Job Booking - Time and Duration

Sterilisation Treatment duration is approximately 45 minutes.


Jobs are booked with a time allocation of arrival for example between 10 am and 12 noon. Then treatment time needs to be considered if the Technician arrives at 12 noon, please note the treatment will not be finished until approximately 1pm


Insured? with options yes or no; yes ticked
Insurance and Australian Standards

Surekill Pest Control Pty Ltd is insured by Pacific International. Our Technicians are licensed by the Environmental Protection Authority EPA. Our Trainees complete the Rapid Training Course and receive on the job training. Our Technicians are trained to deliver a service in accordance with the Australian Standards.


sun with clouds and rain in front of it
Weather Conditions 

Sterilisation treatment is done inside the property so the weather does not play a part in doing this treatment.



a house with a magnifying glass looking at it
Discuss and Inspect

Our Surekill Technician will take the time to discuss your german cockroach problem. They will inspect the environment to get an understanding of the problem. Also they will conduct a Enviornmental Inspection Report to make sure that it is safe to conduct the treatment as required by the EPA (Environment Protection Authority).

hands holding cash, credit card and eftpos card

Payment Options are cash, credit, eftpos or cheque.


Unless specific written arrangements has been provided then full contract price shall be due and payable and recoverable by the Surekill Technician on commencement of the intial treatment.

Disinfectant Smoke Generator
Disinfectant Smoke Generator

The Generator releases a smoke. The wick is lit and sparkles for no more than a few seconds before the disinfectant theral smoke is released. Leave room closed while it smokes the area.  The smoke generated within 1-2 minutes, so there is no risk of fire.  Reenter room after 1 hours.

After Sterilisation Treatment

Time to Plan

Our Surekill Technician will discuss your Pest Management Plan when they are at your property. This will include how long until your next treatment and that we will send you a reminder letter. 


Let the Technician know if you have any other pest problems or concerns that you want treated or monitored. Please note if you have carpet beetles it advise to make sure you have no rodent or bird problem. They will be able to discuss it with you and  include it in your Pest Management Plan.

How to Keep Germs Away?

people cleaning
Keep premises clean and tidy
spray and wipe a bench
Wipe and clean all surfaces after use
hands holding
Wash hands before food preparation and eating
Time to Renew
Renewal Letter

Your Pest Management Plan will let us know when to send you a reminder for your next treatment. A renewal letter or email will be sent to you to advise that your pest treatment is due. Our Surekill Technicians look forward to seeing you again and keeping your environment pest free!

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Contact Surekill 

Please contact our friendly staff to arrange your next Pest Control Treatment!


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